*  Matlab / Mesh / fc_hypermesh toolbox

        * Snapshots
        * Current development release
        * Installation automatic, all in one (recommended)
        * Manual installation
        * demo 2d simplicial
        * demo 2d orthotope
        * demo 3d simplicial
        * demo 3d orthotope
        * Old development releases


fc-hypermesh is a Matlab toolbox which allows to mesh any d-orthotope (hyperrectangle in dimension d) and their m-faces by simplices or orthotopes. It was created to show the implementation of the algorithm of the report Vectorized algorithms for regular tessellations of d-orthotopes and their faces PIC PIC .
This toolbox uses Matlab objects and is provided with meshes visualisation tools for dimension less than or equal to 3.

*  Snapshots

This toolbox was tested under

Windows 10.0.16299 :
with Matlab R2015b to R2017b (opengl hardware on NVIDIA Quadro K600 with nvidia-376 driver)
Mac OS X 10.12.6 :
with Matlab R2015b to R2017b (opengl hardware on Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 2.1 INTEL-10.2.37 driver)
Mac OS X 10.13.3 :
with Matlab R2015b to R2017b (opengl hardware on Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 2.1 INTEL-10.4.14 driver)
Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS :
with Matlab R2015b to R2017b (opengl hardware on NVIDIA Quadro K1100M with nvidia-340 driver)
Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS :
with Matlab R2015b to R2017b (opengl hardware on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 with nvidia-384 driver)
Ubuntu 17.10 :
with Matlab R2015b to R2017b (opengl hardware on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti with nvidia-384 driver)
Fedora 27 :
with Matlab R2015b to R2017b (opengl hardware on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 with nvidia-384 driver)
OpenSUSE Leap 42.3 :
with Matlab R2015b to R2017b (opengl hardware on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 with nvidia-390.25 driver)

*  Current development release





User guide



December 8, 2017

PIC (22 Ko)
PIC (35 Ko)
PIC (19 Ko)

PIC (2 Ko)

PIC (1085 Ko)


*  Installation automatic, all in one (recommended)

For this method, one just has to get/download the install file PIC (2 Ko) mfc_hypermesh_install.m Thereafter, it should be run under Matlab. This command downloads, extracts and configures the fc-hypermesh and the required fc-tools toolboxes in the current directory.

For example, to install this toolbox in ~/Matlab/toolboxes directory, one has to copy the file mfc_hypermesh_install.m in the ~/Matlab/toolboxes directory. Then in a Matlab terminal run the following commands

Matlab Console

>> cd ~/Matlab/toolboxes  
>> mfc_hypermesh_install

This is the output of the mfc_hypermesh_install command on a Linux computer :

Matlab Ouput

1- Downloading and extracting the toolboxes  
   -> <fc-tools>[0.0.20] ... OK  
   -> <fc-hypermesh>[0.0.6] ... OK  
2- Setting the <fc-hypermesh> toolbox  
Write in ~/Matlab/toolboxes/fc-hypermesh-full/fc_hypermesh-0.0.6/configure_loc.m ...  
  -> done  
3- Using the <fc-hypermesh> toolbox  
   Under Matlab:  
   See ~/Matlab/toolboxes/mfc_hypermesh_set.m

The complete toolbox (i.e. with all the other needed toolboxes) is stored in the directory ~/Matlab/toolboxes/fc-hypermesh-full and, for each Matlab session, one has to set the toolbox by :

Matlab Console

>> addpath(’~/Matlab/toolboxes/fc-hypermesh-full/mfc-hypermesh-0.0.6’)  
>> fc_hypermesh.init()

To uninstall, one just has to delete directory


*  Manual installation

This package uses the fc_tools toolbox. So one has to install it as explain in the dedicated web page.

Thereafter, one has to download one of the fc_hypermesh toolbox archive ( zip, 7z or tar.gz format).

*  Matlab / Mesh / fc_hypermesh/ demo 2d simplicial

*  Matlab / Mesh / fc_hypermesh/ demo 2d orthotope

*  Matlab / Mesh / fc_hypermesh/ demo 3d simplicial

*  Matlab / Mesh / fc_hypermesh/ demo 3d orthotope

*  Old development releases







November 3, 2017

PIC (21 Ko)
PIC (34 Ko)
PIC (18 Ko)

PIC (2 Ko)

PIC (1254 Ko)


October 6, 2017

PIC (21 Ko)
PIC (34 Ko)
PIC (18 Ko)

PIC (2 Ko)

PIC (1064 Ko)


December 18, 2016

PIC (19 Ko)
PIC (29 Ko)
PIC (17 Ko)

PIC (2 Ko)