Federico Scavia
- E-mail:
- Office: D 316
- Address: Institut Galilée
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
99, avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément
Villetaneuse, 93430
Federico Scavia
About me
I am a chargé de recherche of CNRS located at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (Université Paris 13). Here is my CV.
Publications and Preprints
- Galois representations modulo p that do not lift modulo p2. With Alexander Merkurjev. Submitted October 2024.
- Non-formality of Galois cohomology modulo all primes. With Alexander Merkurjev. Accepted by Compositio Mathematica.
- On the Massey Vanishing Conjecture and Formal Hilbert 90. With Alexander Merkurjev. Submitted August 2023.
- Varieties over ℚ̅ with infinite Chow groups modulo almost all primes. Accepted by Journal of the London Mathematical Society.
- Two coniveau filtrations and algebraic equivalence over finite fields. With Fumiaki Suzuki. Accepted by Algebraic Geometry.
- The Massey Vanishing Conjecture for fourfold Massey products modulo 2. With Alexander Merkurjev. Accepted by Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure.
- Sur l'injectivité de l'application cycle de Jannsen. With Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène. To appear in the volume in memory of Alberto Collino .
- Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence and Hodge cohomology of classifying stacks. With Dmitry Kubrak. Accepted by Journal of Algebraic Geometry.
- Quotient singularities in the Grothendieck ring of varieties. With Louis Esser. Accepted by Journal of Algebraic Geometry.
- Degenerate fourfold Massey products in Galois cohomology. With Alexander Merkurjev. Accepted by Journal of the European Mathematical Society.
- Non-injectivity of the cycle class map in continuous l-adic cohomology. With Fumiaki Suzuki. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. Volume 11, 2023, e6.
- Non-algebraic geometrically trivial cohomology classes over finite fields. With Fumiaki Suzuki. Accepted by Advances in Mathematics.
- Pathologies du groupe des classes de R-équivalence d'un groupe algébrique linéaire. Mathematische
Annalen 387, 1333–1342 (2023)
- The behavior of essential dimension under specialization II. With Zinovy Reichstein. Algebra & Number Theory 17(2023), no.11, 1925-1958.
- The behavior of essential dimension under specialization . With Zinovy Reichstein. Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique 6(2022), Art. 21, 28 pp.
- Sur la conjecture de Tate entière pour certains produits en dimension 3 sur un corps fini.
Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique. Volume 6 (2022).
- Steenrod operations on the de Rham cohomology of algebraic stacks. Accepted by Journal Inst. Math. Jussieu.
Published online by Cambridge University Press (2021).
- Essential dimension of extensions of finite groups by tori. With Zinovy Reichstein. Algebraic Geometry 8 (6) (2021)
- On the Mixed Tate property and the motivic class of the classifying stack of a finite group. Algebra & Number Theory
Vol. 16 (2022), No. 10, 2265-2287.
- Motivic classes and the integral Hodge Question. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris. Volume 359, issue 3 (2021), p. 305-311.
- Sur la conjecture de Tate entière pour le produit d'une courbe et d'une surface CH0-triviale sur un corps fini. With Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, II. Ser 72, 2895–2927 (2023)
- Torsion classes in the equivariant Chow groups of algebraic tori. Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. Tome 56, fascicule 2 (2023), p. 571-587
- Embeddings of maximal tori in groups of type F4. With Andrew Fiori. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 311
(2021), No. 1, 53-88.
- The Noether problem for spinor groups of small rank. With Zinovy Reichstein. Journal of Algebra 548 (2020), 134-152.
- On the Noether problem for torsion subgroups of tori. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 306 (2020), no. 2, 699-719.
- Motivic classes of classifying stacks of some semi-direct products. With Ivan Martino. Journal of Algebra 544 (2020), 62-74.
- Essential dimension and genericity for quiver representations. Documenta Mathematica 25 (2020), 329-364.
- Retract rationality and algebraic tori. Canadian Math. Bulletin 63 (2020), no. 1, 173-186.
- On the motivic class of an algebraic group. Algebra & Number Theory 14 (2020), no. 4, 855-866.
- Rational Picard group of moduli of pointed hyperelliptic curves. International Math. Research Notices 21 (2020), 8027-8056.
- Essential dimension of representations of algebras. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 95 (2020), 661-702.
Online talks
Codimension two cycles on classifying stacks of algebraic tori. "Quadratic forms, Linear algebraic groups and Beyond" online seminar. May 29, 2020.
Motivic classes of classifying stacks of algebraic groups. Joint Columbia-CUNY-NYU Number Theory Seminar. October 22, 2020.
Degenerate fourfold Massey products over arbitrary fields. "Quadratic forms, Linear algebraic groups and Beyond" online seminar. December 7, 2022.
Massey products in Galois cohomology. IAS | PCMI Park City Mathematics Institute. July 2024.