"Workshop on Analytic Continuation of Overconvergent Modular Forms"

Rotating Workshop (Paris 13, Nancy, Londres)

Last Thursday and Friday of each month from January to June 2009

Organizers : A. Genestier (U. Nancy 1) and J. Tilouine (U. Paris 13)

This workshop shall meet once a month for two days. Its goal is to report on the state of the art, recent works and works in progress on analytic continuation of overconvergent modular forms on certain Shimura varieties. Overconvergent p-adic modular forms which are eigen for Hecke operators and whose weight is small with respect to the valuation of its eigenvalues for the Hecke operators at p are conjectured to be classical. We hope to state a precise general formulation of this conjecture and to prove it, under some assumptions, in some new instances.

Université de Paris 13, Institut Galilée, Salle B405, Jeudi 30 et vendredi 31 janvier 2009

Jeudi 29 janvier (10:00-12:00): S. Bosch (Muenster U.): A Mini-Course on Rigid and Formal Geometry

Jeudi 29 janvier (14:00-16:00): C. Kappen (Muenster U.): Tubes, strict neighborhoods, and Bartenwerfer Theorem

Friday, January 30 (10:30-12:30): P. Kassaei (King's College): A Glueing lemma and analytic continuation

Friday, January 30 (14:00-16:00): S. Sasaki (IHES): Analytic continuation for overconvergent Hilbert modular forms when p splits

Université de Nancy 1, Institut Elie Cartan, Jeudi 26 et vendredi 27 février 2009

Jeudi 26 février (10:00-12:00): L. Fargues (CNRS, Orsay): Filtration de Harder-Narasimhan pour les schemas en groupes finis et plats

Jeudi 26 février (14:00-16:00): A. Mokrane (U. Paris 8): Constructions de sous-groupes canoniques

Vendredi 27 février (9:30-10:30): P. Kassaei (King's College): Canonical subgroups on Hilbert modular varieties, I

Vendredi 27 février (11:00-12:00): E. Goren (U. McGill): Canonical subgroups on Hilbert modular varieties, II

Vendredi 27 février (14:00-15:00): B. Stroh (U. Nancy): Compactification des variétés de Siegel de niveau parahorique

Vendredi 27 février (15:15-16:15): V. Pilloni (U. Paris 13): Une nouvelle construction du sous-groupe canonique pour les variétés de Siegel.

Kings College, London, Thursday, March 26 and Friday, March 27 2009

Thursday March 26 (9:30-10:45, room K0.16): J. Tilouine (U. Paris 13): Companion forms for elliptic eigenforms

Thursday March 26 (11:00-12:30, Strand 423): K. Buzzard (Imperial College): How far do overconvergent eigenforms overconverge?

Thursday March 26 (14:00-16:00, Strand 423): K. Buzzard (Imperial College): Classicality criteria for overconvergent eigenforms

Friday March 27 (10:00-12:00, room 2A): J. Tilouine (U. Paris 13): Companion forms for Siegel eigenforms

Friday March 27 (13:30-15:00, room 2A): V. Pilloni (U. Paris 13): Overconvergent modularity of abelian surfaces

Friday March 27 (15:30-17:00, room 2A): V. Pilloni (U. Paris 13): Classicality of certain overconvergent Siegel eigenforms

Note: A limited budget exists to contribute to the expenses of participants. Please write to tilouine@math.univ-paris13.fr with copy to Alain.Genestier@iecn.u-nancy.fr

A conference related to this workshop will be held in Roscoff in July 2009
