Presentation of the laboratory
LAGA is a laboratory associated with the CNRS (UMR 7539). It is attached to the Institut Galilée, part of the Sorbonne Paris Nord University, and to the University of Paris 8. LAGA is also associated with several LaBeX: SMP, INFLAMEX and MME-DII.
It includes around 90 researchers and teacher-researchers (including around ten CNRS researchers), 7 ITA and BIATSS staff, more than 50 doctoral students and it receives more than thirty foreign visitors and post-docs each year.
The main research themes currently being developed within the laboratory are as follows:
Arithmetic, algebraic geometry, number theory, category theory, algebraic topology, homotopy theory, representation theory, dynamical systems, ergodic theory, harmonic analysis, linear and nonlinear partial differential equations, microlocal analysis, mathematical physics, spectral theory, numerical analysis, probability and statistics, stochastic analysis, coding and cryptography, image processing.
The laboratory, headed by Grégory Ginot, is structured into eight research teams:
- Arithmétique et géométrie algébrique (AGA)
- Algèbre, Géométrie, Combinatoire et applications à la Cryptographie et au Codage (AGC3)
- Modélisation et Calcul scientifique (MCS)
- Physique mathématique et Équations aux dérivées partielles (PM)
- Mathématiques pour la Biologie et les Images (MBI)
- Probabilités et Statistiques (PS)
- Théorie ergodique et Systèmes dynamiques (SD)
- Topologie Algébrique (TA)
The scientific activity of the laboratory is notably concretized by permanent or episodic seminars, as well as by the existence of the Mathematics Library. Finally, the laboratory aims to offer solid supervision to doctoral students from the Masters of the mathematics department of the University of Paris 13, other Masters of mathematics from the Paris region or the provinces, and possibly similar training abroad.
Last (pre)publications
- Nadja Willenborg, Martino Borello, Anna-Lena Horlemann, Habibul Islam. Dihedral Quantum Codes. 2025. (hal-04897228⟩
- Jörg Wildeshaus. Absolute intersection motive. Motives and complex multiplication, Progress in Mathematics, Birkhäuser Cham, 2025, Motives and complex multiplication (eds. J. Fresán and P. Jossen). (hal-01898312⟩
- Valentina Astore, Martino Borello, Marco Calderini, Flavio Salizzoni. A geometric invariant of linear rank-metric codes. 2025. (hal-04897043⟩
- Johann Bouali. Hodge conjecture for projective hypersurfaces. 2025. (hal-04312948v13⟩
- Senhao Duan, Nejla Nouaili, Hatem Zaag. Standing-sphere blowup solutions for the nonlinear heat equation. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 2025, 45 (5), pp.1434-1453. (10.3934/dcds.2024134⟩. ⟨hal-04609030⟩