*  Informatique / Octave / Installation on OpenSUSE 13.2

        * Installation using ’Software for Scientists and Engineers’ repository
        * Compilation/Installation of Octave 3.8.2 to 4.0.3
        * Compilation/Installation of Octave 4.2.0

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*  Installation using ’Software for Scientists and Engineers’ repository

The information for this installation where found on : Install package science/octave.

sudo zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/science/openSUSE_13.2/science.repo

sudo zypper refresh

sudo zypper install octave

Chargement des données du dépôt... Lecture des paquets installés... Résolution des dépendances des paquets... L’application suivante va être installée :   "GNU Octave" Les 41 NOUVEAUX paquets suivants vont être installés :   blas-devel fftw3-devel fftw3-threads-devel gcc48-fortran gcc-fortran hdf5   hdf5-devel hdf5-devel-data inkscape-extensions-fig libamd-2_4_1 libarpack2   libcamd-2_4_1 libccolamd-2_9_1 libcholmod-3_0_6 libcolamd-2_9_1   libcxsparse-3_1_4 libfftw3_threads3 libgl2ps1 libglpk40   libGraphicsMagick3-config libGraphicsMagick-Q16-3 libGraphicsMagick++-Q16-3   libhdf5-100 libhdf5_cpp100 libhdf5_fortran100 libhdf5_hl100 libhdf5_hl_cpp100   libhdf5hl_fortran100 libOSMesa9 libpng12-0 libqhull6-6_3_1_1494 libqrupdate1   libqscintilla2-11 libsuitesparseconfig-4_4_6 libumfpack-5_7_1 makeinfo octave   octave-cli octave-devel octave-doc transfig Les 8 paquets recommandés suivants ont été automatiquement sélectionnés :   blas-devel fftw3-devel fftw3-threads-devel gcc-fortran hdf5-devel octave-devel   octave-doc transfig 41 paquets à installer. Taille de téléchargement totale : 30,4 MiB. Déjà en cache : 0 B  Après l’opération, 139,4 MiB d’espace disque supplémentaire sera utilisé. Continuer ? [o/n/? affiche toutes les options] (o): o ...

The intalled version of Octave is 4.0.2rc4.

*  Compilation/Installation of Octave 3.8.2 to 4.0.3

On my computer, I need to install some packages to avoid some warnings and errors during the configure stage of Octave.

sudo zypper install pcre-devel qhull-devel lapack-devel qrupdate-devel amd-devel 
sudo zypper install arpack-devel readline-devel gperf bison flex gnuplot 
sudo zypper install zlib-devel  glpk-devel libcurl-devel mesa-devel glu-devel 
sudo zypper install freetype2-devel fontconfig-devel fltk-devel gcc-java java-devel 
sudo zypper install qt-devel gl2ps-devel libqscintilla-devel

In all the following commands, one must replace <VERSION> by the version of Octave to install

  1. Download :

    wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/octave/octave-<VERSION>.tar.gz 
    tar xvfz octave-<VERSION>.tar.gz 
    cd octave-<VERSION>

    For version 4.2.0, only file octave-4.2.0.tar.lz (November 16, 2016) is given. On my computer, I must install lzip package to decompress the archive:

    sudo zypper install lzip 
    wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/octave/octave-4.2.0.tar.gz 
    tar --lzip -xvf octave-octave-4.2.0.tar.gz 
    cd octave-4.2.0

  2. Configure stage :

    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-1.8.0 
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/OCTAVE/<VERSION>

  3. Compilation stage :

    make -j4

  4. Installation stage :

    sudo make install

  5. Extra packages installation :
    See : http://octave.sourceforge.net/packages.php.
    We get some packages

    wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/octave/general-2.0.0.tar.gz 
    wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/octave/splines-1.2.9.tar.gz 
    wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/octave/msh-1.0.10.tar.gz 

    We can do a global installation (packages can be used by all users). For that, as root, we do
    sudo /usr/local/OCTAVE/<VERSION>/bin/octave --no-gui

    All packages will be installed from Octave in the directory /usr/local/OCTAVE/<VERSION>/share/octave/packages. Under Octave, we run commands :
    pkg install -global splines-1.2.9.tar.gz 
    pkg install -global msh-1.0.10.tar.gz 
    pkg install -global general-2.0.0.tar.gz

    For more details, see here.

*  Compilation/Installation of Octave 4.2.0

On my computer, in addition to the packages needed by previous versions (see Compilation/Installation of Octave 3.8.2 to 4.0.3), I need to install, some packages to avoid some warnings during the configure stage of Octave.

sudo zypper install libbz2-devel libsndfile-devel portaudio-devel graphicsmagick-devel

In all the following commands, one must replace <VERSION> by the version of Octave to install

  1. Download :

    For version 4.2.0, only file octave-4.2.0.tar.lz (November 16, 2016) is given. On my computer, I must install lzip package to decompress the archive:

    sudo zypper install lzip 
    wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/octave/octave-4.2.0.tar.lz 
    tar --lzip -xvf octave-4.2.0.tar.lz 
    cd octave-4.2.0

  2. Configure stage :

    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-1.8.0 
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/OCTAVE/4.2.0

    I have always some warnings :

    ... configure: WARNING: PortAudio library not found.  The audioplayer, audiorecorder, and audiodevinfo functions will be disabled. configure: WARNING: GraphicsMagick++ library not found.  The imread, imwrite, and imfinfo functions for reading and writing image files will not be fully functional. configure: configure: NOTE: Libraries or auxiliary programs may be skipped if they are configure: NOTE: not found OR if they are missing required features on your configure: NOTE: system.

  3. Compilation stage :

    make -j4

  4. Installation stage :

    sudo make install

  5. Extra packages installation :
    See : http://octave.sourceforge.net/packages.php.
    We get some packages

    wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/octave/general-2.0.0.tar.gz 
    wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/octave/splines-1.2.9.tar.gz 
    wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/octave/msh-1.0.10.tar.gz 

    We can do a global installation (packages can be used by all users). For that, as root, we do
    sudo /usr/local/OCTAVE/4.2.0/bin/octave --no-gui

    All packages will be installed from Octave in the directory /usr/local/OCTAVE/4.2.0/share/octave/packages. Under Octave, we run commands :
    pkg install -global splines-1.2.9.tar.gz 
    pkg install -global msh-1.0.10.tar.gz 
    pkg install -global general-2.0.0.tar.gz

    For more details, see here.