Workshop Alps 2024

Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise (8-12 January)

Organisers : Coline Emprin, Bruno Vallette


Monday (January 8)

9am-12am: Nikola TOMIC "BV formalism in derived algebraic geometry : A universal coisotropic morphism"   
Abstract : BV formalism is a theory that arise in theoretical physics to quantize field theories. In this talk I will try to explain its link with derived geometry and how can we see it as a kind of derived symplectic reduction. For any smooth manifold with an action functional, Felder and Kazhdan have solved the classical master equation building an object they call a "BV variety". I will propose to see their construction, firstly as a construction of a symplectic L_∞-algebroid on the (classical) critical locus of the action and secondly as a symplectic (coisotropic) reduction. I will then try to explain why the construction is universal among reductions.

  • G. Felder, D. Kazhdan - The classical master equation
  • M. Anel, D. Calaque - Shifted symplectic reduction of derived critical loci
  • M. Benini, P. Safronov, A. Schenkel - Classical BV formalism for group actions
  • B. Pym, P. Safronov - Shifted symplectic Lie algebroids
  • V. Melani, P. Safronov - Derived coisotropic structures I: affine case
4.30pm-7.30pm: Pedro MAGALHAES "Formality of Kähler manifolds revisited"   
Abstract: The interaction of Hodge structures with rational homotopy theory is a powerful tool to provide restrictions on the homotopy types of Kähler manifolds and of complex algebraic varieties. An example is the well-known result of Deligne, Griffiths, Morgan and Sullivan, stating that compact Kähler manifolds are formal. In the simply connected case, it implies, for instance, that the rational homotopy groups of such manifolds are a formal consequence of the cohomology. Despite this fact, the mixed Hodge structure on their rational homotopy groups is not, in general, a formal consequence of the Hodge structures on cohomology. To understand this phenomenon, we will introduce a stronger notion of formality which arises from studying homotopy theory in a category encoding the Hodge structures. We will also introduce obstructions to this strong formality, generalizing the classical ones, and study when are Kähler manifolds formal in this stronger sense.  

  • Example of non mixed Hodge formal manifolds: Carlson, J., Clemens, H., and Morgan, J.. "On the mixed Hodge structure associated to $\pi _3$ of a simply connected complex projective manifold." Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure 14.3 (1981): 323-338.
  • Category encoding Hodge structures: Cirici, J. "Cofibrant models of diagrams: Mixed Hodge structures in rational homotopy" Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), 5935-5970.
  • Method to attain the obstructions: Johnson, N., Noel, J., "Lifting homotopy T-algebra maps to strict maps" Advances in Mathematics 264 (2014) 593-645, ISSN 0001-8708,
Tuesday (January 9)

9am-12am: Anna SOPRENA GILBOY  "Pluripotential Operadic Calculus"
Abstract: For complex manifolds, there exists a refined notion of weak equivalence related to both Dolbeault and anti-Dolbeault cohomology. This class of weak equivalences naturally defines a stronger formality notion. In particular, the ddbar-Lemma does not imply formality in this new sense. The goal of this talk is to introduce a novel operadic framework designed to understand this homotopical situation. I will present pluripotential A-infinity algebras as well as a homotopy transfer theorem, and will discuss a potential Koszul duality theory in the pluripotential setting.
4.30pm-7.30pm: Geoffroy HOREL "Configuration spaces of algebraic varieties"   
Abstract: The Lambrechts-Stanley model is a proposed model for the rational homotopy type of ordered configuration spaces of manifolds. In the particular case of a formal manifold, this model is simply the E_2-page of the Leray-Serre spectral sequence for the inclusion of the configuration space in the product. It was proved Kriz that this is indeed a model for smooth projective algebraic varieties over the complex numbers by constructing an explicit quasi-isomorphism with another model built from the Fulton-MacPherson compactification. It was later proved by Idrissi that the real Lambrechts-Stanley model is indeed a model for simply connected closed manifolds. I will explain some ongoing work with Joana Cirici in which we revisit Kriz's proof using the tool of E_1-formality. Our method lets us also prove that the Lambrechts-Stanley model works for certain algebraic varieties in p-adic homotopy theory in the "tame range" (i.e. in degrees low enough that the Steenrod operations don't create problems).
Wednesday (January 10)

9am-12am: Najib IDRISSI "Formality and non-formality of the Swiss-Cheese operad"
Abstract: I will explain recent developments about the formality or non-formality of the Swiss-Cheese operad and its potential uses. In particular, I will present joint work with R. V. Vieira about the non-formality of Voronov's version of the Swiss-Cheese operad, as well as our current work in progress about a conjectural reinterpretation in terms of symmetric Massey products.

4.30pm-7.30pm: Damien CALAQUE "Discrete models for E_n-algebras"   
Abstract: I will present two ongoing projects on a connection between E_n-algebras and some discrete models in statistical physics and quantum field theory (one project is with Victor Carmona, and the other one with Damien Lejay).

Thursday (January 11)

9am-12am: Victor ROCA i LUCIO "Chairman’s delight"
Abstract: Upon hearing the last words from the speaker, the chairman slowly got up and started a round of applause. As the claps diminished, an uncomfortable silence filled the room. He tried to look, in vain, for any raised hands. Awkwardly, he asked “are there any questions?”, knowing beforehand that there would be none. He looked at the speaker in pure anguish, unable to find a single question that could fit with the theme of talk. Suddenly, he remembered the good old trick, the one that had saved him in so many occasions. And confidently, he asked: “But do you think this could work in positive characteristic?” – The goal of the talk will be to answer this question.”

4.30pm-7.30pm: Coline EMPRIN "Classes de Kaledin et critères de formalité"   
Abstract: Une structure d'algèbre différentielle graduée A (e.g. une algèbre associative, une algèbre de Lie, une opérade, etc.) est formelle si elle est reliée à son homologie H(A) par un zig-zag de quasi-isomorphismes préservant le type de structure algébrique. Les classes de Kaledin ont été introduites comme une théorie de l'obstruction caractérisant entièrement la formalité des algèbres associatives sur un corps de caractéristique nulle. Dans cet exposé, je présenterai une généralisation des classes de Kaledin à n'importe quel anneau de coefficients, mais également à d'autres structures algébriques (encodées par des opérades, éventuellement colorées, ou par des propérades). Je démontrerai de nouveaux critères de formalité basés sur ces classes et en donnerai des applications.
Friday (January 12)

9am-12am: Bruno VALLETTE "New algebraic structures on differential forms on manifolds"
Abstract: I will try to explain how one can encode more of the geometry of manifolds via new operadic structures on the spaces of differential forms of manifolds. There will notably be two new "dual" differential graded operads: one for Poisson manifolds and one for manifolds equipped with a non-degenerate metric (Riemannian, Minkovsky). I will try to treat their respective homotopy property (resolutions, homotopy transfer theorem, etc.) and applications. 

4.30pm-7.30pm: Joana CIRICI "Homotopy BV algebras in Hermitian geometry"
Abstract: I will explain how almost Hermitian and Hermitian metrics give rise to homotopy BV algebras satisfying the Hodge to de Rham degeneration condition. These results extend in some sense the BV algebra introduced by Koszul for Poisson manifolds. I will compute part of the induced homotopy hypercommutative structures on various geometric examples and discuss possible conjectures connected to homological mirror symmetry and to formality. This is a work in progress together with Scott Wilson.
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Dernière mise à jour : 5 janvier 2024.