Research (W. A. Schmid)

My research focuses on two related subjects.

Zero-sum problems in finite abelian groups

A classical problem, popularized by Davenport, is the following: Let (G,+) denote a finite abelian group. Determine the smallest D(G) such that each sequence in G of length at least D(G) has a zero-sum subsequence, that is a subsequence  the sum of whose terms is the zero-element of G. And, determine the structure of extremal sequences without a zero-sum subsequence, that is solve the associated inverse problem. This and related problems have been investigated since the 1960s, using various tools from Additive Number Theory/Combinatorics. Still precise answers are only known in special cases.
Some years ago inverse problems for groups of rank two and more generally groups with "large" exponent in a relative sense (answers for cyclic groups are well-known), were a main focus of my research. More recently, I worked mainly on "weighted" problems, but I still have some projects related to the former, too.     

Non-unique factorization theory

The maximal order of a number field (and more generally a Dedekind domain or Krull monoid) is factorial if and only if its ideal class group is trivial. Thus, if the class group is non-trivial then there exist elements that do not have a unique factorization into irreducible elements, but several factorizations that are distinct (in an essential way).
A goal of non-unique factorization theory is to understand the various phenomena of non-uniqueness that can arise for non-trivial class group both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. In other words, one wishes to give an explicit meaning to: "the class group determines the arithmetic."
Trying to answer these questions, leads to various kinds of zero-sum problems in the class group, thus establishing the link between these two subjects.
Commutative Algebra, specifically Multiplicative Ideal Theory,  and (abstract) Analytic Number Theory are two other key tools.

More recently, my work also explores connections of the subjects mentioned above to Coding Theory.

Publications and preprints

The list below is not always up to date. However, my preprints appear rapidly upon completion on HAL and arXiv.    
(The preprints possibly differ slightly from the published ones.)

Title Coauthor(s) Bibliographical information local copies / link to published  version / arXiv or HAL
Which sets are sets of lengths in all numerical monoids?
A. Geroldinger
On congruence half-factorial Krull monoids with cyclic class group
A. Plagne
Systems of sets of lengths: transfer Krull monoids vs. weakly Krull monoids
A. Geroldinger, Q. Zhong
In: "Rings, Polynomials, and Modules" Springer 2017. Pages 191--235.
A realization theorem for sets of lengths in numerical monoids A. Geroldinger
Forum Math., to appear
A realization theorem for sets of distances
A. Geroldinger
J. Algebra 481, 188--198, 2017
A characterization of class groups via sets of lengths
A. Geroldinger
Some recent results and open problems on sets of lengths of Krull monoids with finite class group

In: "Multiplicative ideal theory and factorization theory" Springer, Proc. Math. Stat. 170, 2016. Pages 323--352.
Multi-wise and constrained fully weighted Davenport constants and interactions with coding theory
L. E. Marchan, O. Ordaz, I. Santos
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 135, 237--267, 2015
The system of sets of lengths in Krull monoids under set addition
A. Geroldinger Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 32, 571--588, 2016
Local and global tameness in Krull monoids
W. D. Gao, A. Geroldinger
Comm. Algebra 43, 262--296, 2015.
Remarks on the plus-minus weighted Davenport constant
L. E. Marchan, O. Ordaz
Int. J. Number Theory 10, 1219--1239, 2014
Some exact values of the Harborth constant and its plus-minus weighted analogue
L. E. Marchan, O. Ordaz, D. Ramos
Arch. Math. (Basel) 101, 501--512, 2013
Some remarks on barycentric-sum problems over cyclic group
A. Plagne, O.Ordaz
European J. Combin. 34, 1415--1428, 2013
On the Olson and the Strong Davenport constants
A. Philipp, O. Ordaz, I. Santos
J. Theor. Nombres Bordeaux, 23, 715--750, 2011.
An application of coding theory to estimating Davenports constants
A. Plagne
Des. Codes Cryptogr., 61, 105--118, 2011.
Zero-sum problems with congruence conditions
A. Geroldinger, D.J.Grynkiewicz Acta Math. Hungar., 131, 323--345, 2011.
Restricted inverse zero-sum problems in groups of rank two.

Q. J. Math., 63, 477--487, 2012.
The catenary degree of Krull monoids I A.Geroldinger, D.J.Grynkiewicz J. Th\'eor. Nombres Bordeaux, 23, 137--169, 2011.
pdf / arXiv:0911.4882
On the arithmetic of Krull monoids with infinite cyclic class group A.Geroldinger, D.J.Grynkiewicz, G.J.Schaeffer J. Pure Appl. Alg., 214:2219--2250, 2010
pdf / arXiv:0908.4191
Remarks on a generalization of the Davenport constant M. Freeze Discrete Math., 310:3373--3389, 2010
pdf / arXiv:0905.4248
The inverse problem associated to the Davenport constant for C_2+C_2+C_2n, and applications to the arithmetical characterization of class groups
  Electron. J. Combin., 18, P33, 42pp, 2011.
Higher-order class groups and block monoids of Krull monoids with torsion class group   J. Algebra Appl., 9:433--464, 2010
Inverse zero-sum problems II
   Acta Arith., 143:333--343, 2010
pdf /
Characterization of class groups of  Krull monoids via their systems of sets of lengths: a status report    In: "Number Theory and Applications: Proceedings of the International Conferences on Number Theory and Cryptography (Eds. S.D.Adhikari and B.Ramakrishnan, HRI)",  Hindustan Book Agency, 2009. Pages 189--212.  pdf  
Arithmetical characterization of class groups of the form  $Z/n Z \oplus  Z/nZ$  via the system of sets of lengths    Abh. Math. Sem. Hamburg, 79:25--35, 2009
pdf  /
A realization theorem for sets of lengths    J. Number Theory, 129:990--999, 2009  pdf /
ScienceDirect (Elsevier):
On minimal distances in Krull monoids with infinite class group S.T.Chapman, W.W.Smith Bull. London Math. Soc., 40:613--618, 2008 pdf / Free access link to final version at  
Periods of sets of lengths: a quantitative result and an associated inverse problem    Colloq. Math., 113:33--53, 2008 pdf /
Colloquium Mathematicum
Quasi half-factorial subsets of abelian torsion groups S.T.Chapman, W.W.Smith Houston J. Math., 35:13--22, 2009  pdf 
On short zero-sum subsequences over p-groups J.J.Zhuang Ars Combin., 95:343--352, 2010
Inverse zero-sum problems W.D.Gao, A.Geroldinger Acta Arith., 128:245-279, 2007
pdf /
Acta Arithmetica
On short zero-sum subsequences II W.D.Gao, Q.H.Hou, R.Thangadurai Integers, 7: A21, 22 pp. (electronic), 2007 pdf /
INTEGERS (a free journal)
Weakly half-factorial sets in finite abelian groups M.Radziejewski Forum Math., 19:727--747, 2007 pdf /
atypon-link (Walter de Gruyter): doi:10.1515/FORUM.2007.028
Minimal zero-sum sequences in $C_n\oplus C_n$ G.Lettl European J. Combin., 28:742--753, 2007. pdf /
ScienceDirect (Elsevier):
On the set of integral solutions of the Pell equation in number fields    Aequationes Math., 71:109--114, 2006 pdf /
Half-factorial sets in elementary $p$-groups    Far East J. Math. Sci. (FJMS), 22:75--114, 2006 pdf
Half-factorial sets in finite abelian groups: a survey    Grazer Math. Ber., 348:41--64, 2005 pdf 
On the maximal cardinality of half-factorial sets in cyclic groups A.Plagne Math. Ann., 333:759--785, 2005 pdf /
On invariants related to non-unique factorizations in block monoids and rings of integers    Math. Slovaca, 55:21--37, 2005 pdf
On large half-factorial sets in elementary $p$-groups: Maximal cardinality and structural characterization A.Plagne Israel J. Math., 145:285--310, 2005 pdf 
On the asymptotic behavior of some counting functions, II    Colloq. Math., 102:197--216, 2005. pdf /
Colloquium Mathematicum
On the asymptotic behavior of some counting functions M.Radziejewski Colloq. Math., 102:181--195, 2005. pdf /
Colloquium Mathematicum
On zero-sum subsequences of restricted size IV R.Chi, S.Ding, W.Gao, A.Geroldinger Acta. Math. Hungar., 107:337--344, 2005. pdf /
Differences in sets of lengths of Krull monoids with finite class group    J. Th\'eor. Nombres Bordeaux, 17:323--345, 2005. pdf /
Journal de Th\'eorie des Nombres de Bordeaux
Arithmetic of block monoids    Math. Slovaca, 54:503--526, 2004 pdf 
On the dual of an ideal and ideal transforms A.Foroutan, F.Halter-Koch Bull. Greek Math. Soc., 48:19--40, 2003. pdf (scan)
On zero-sum subsequences in finite abelian groups    Integers, 1:A1, 8 pp. (electronic), 2001. pdf /
INTEGERS (a free journal)

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last changed: February 2018 by schmid"at"