I am currently carrying on a five year project entitled
Foundations of motivic real K-theory, financed by an ERC starting grant (2020). The project is situated in the intersection of homotopy theory, algebraic geometry and arithmetic, putting to work the modern apparatus of higher category theory to tackle classical questions about cohomological and motivic invariants of rings and schemes. Our team comprises of three postdocs:
and two Ph.D students:
Some of the work in progress includes:
The real cyclotomic trace map
We identify the geometric fixed points of real topological cyclic homology in terms of normal L-theory, and deduce a real version of the Dundas-Goodwillie-McCarthy theorem in algebraic K-theory.
This is part of work building towards the constructing of efficient trace methods for the study of hermitian K-theory.
The motivic hermitian K-theory spectrum
We construct motivic spectra representing (homotopy invariant) Grothendieck-Witt and L-theory over general base schemes. When the base scheme is regular Noetherian of finite Krull dimension these motivic spectra represent symmetric Grothendieck-Witt and L-theory.
Hermitian trace formulas for singularity categories
This project involves generalizing work of Toën and Vezzosi on the conductor formula and the trace of singularity categories for a degeneration of a family of smooth and proper schemes, where now the singularity category is endowed with a Poincaré structure, and the conductor formula is expressed in terms of the motivic trace of the generic and special fibres, which take values in their respective Grothendieck-Witt groups.
Verdier duality and assembly maps
In this project we explore a Poincaré categorical approach to the study of the assembly map in L-theory and Grothendieck-Witt theory, pursuing the ideas apprearing in the fourth installement of the nine author project concerning the assembly map of the circle.
Topological Hochschild homology for stable and Poincaré categories
The goal of this project is to develop a framework for the study of THH as a universal trace theory in the setting of stable categories and generalize this perspective to real THH of Poincaré categories. This project is directly related to trace methods and the Dundas-Goodewillie-McCarthy theorem in the setting of both stable and Poincaré categories.
Chromatic behaviour of hermitian K-theory
The goal of this project is to understand the chromatic behaviour of Grothendieck-Witt and L-theory.
In particular, we wish to prove a "white-shift theorem", stating that L-theory is height preserving at the prime 2.
Hermitian K-theory of stable ∞-categories
- Appendix to
Stable Moduli spaces of hermitian forms (F. Hebestreit, W. Steimle)
The Grothendieck-Witt space of a Poincaré ∞-category with a suitable weight structure is descibed in terms of a certain group completion involving only Poincaré objects in the heart. This results is what enables one to express classical Grothendieck-Witt theory of rings in terms of that of a suitable Poincaré ∞-category. In the appendix an alternative root to the main application is proposed via a weight theorem on the level of L-theory.
Hermitian K-theory of stable ∞-categories IV: Poincaré motives
This is the fourth instalment of a four-paper nine-author project on hermitian K-theory. It contains the theory of Poincaré motives, localising invariants, and applications to multiplicative properties of Grothendieck-Witt and L-theory. We also revisit and generalize the Shansen splitting phenomenon and use it to show that the universal localising replacement of L-theory coincides with L-theory with universal decoration.
Hermitian K-theory of stable ∞-categories III: Grothendieck-Witt groups of rings
In this third instalment we prove the main results concerning Grothendieck-Witt and L-theory of rings. In particular, we solve the homotopy limit problem for number rings, calculate the various flavours of Grothendieck-Witt groups of the integers, prove finite generation results for Grothendieck-Witt groups of number rings and show that the comparison map from quadratic to symmetric Grothendieck-Witt theory of Noetherian rings of finite global dimension is an equivalence in suffiently high degrees.
Hermitian K-theory of stable ∞-categories II: cobordism categories and additivity
In this second instalment we develop a cobordism inspired approach to hermitian K-theory and use it to prove most of the core results of this project, including additivity and universality of the Grothendieck-Witt spectrum and its relation to L-theory via the Tate square. As a direct corollary we obtain an extension of Karoubi's fundamental theorem to general rings, affirming a conjecture of Karoubi and Giffen.
Hermitian K-theory of stable ∞-categories I: Foundations
This is the first instalment of a four-part nine-author paper on hermitian K-theory in the setting of stable ∞-categories equipped with a Poincaré structure. We develop the procedure of deriving quadratic functors which allows to produce the classical setting of forms over rings. We also develop in the detail the general case of ring spectra and construct Poincaré structures on parameterized spectra used to recover visible L-theory. We also make a thorough inverstigation of global structural properties of Poincaré ∞-categories, laying the necessary foundations for the subsequent instalments.
Arithmetic geometry and rational points
Rational points on elliptic surfaces and squares represented by products of quadratic forms
We use Swinnerton-Dyer's method to give sufficient conditions for the existence of rational points on K3 surfaces which are 2-coverings of the projective plain ramified over a union of three diagonal conics.
In preparation.
Supersolvable descent for rational points
We develop a technique for deducing results about rational points on quotients of varieties by actions of finite supersolvable groups by reducing the problem to the fibration method over tori.
Rational points on fibrations with few non-split fibres
We revisit the foundations of the fibration method and extract some new unconditional cases when the number of non-split fibres is at most 3.
Dasheng Wei and
Olivier Wittenberg,
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik , 2022.791, 2022, p. 89-133
(pdf, arXiv).
The Massey vanishing conjecture for number fields
We prove the n-fold Massey vanishing conjecture for all number fields and all n's.
Olivier Wittenberg,
Duke mathematical Journal, Advance Publication, 1-41, 2022
(pdf, arXiv).
- Appendix to
Number fields with prescribed norms (C. Frei, D. Loughran and R. Newton)
Olivier Wittenberg,
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 97.1,2022,p.133-181
Zéro-cycles sur les espaces homogènes et problème de Galois inverse
Olivier Wittenberg,
Journal of the American Mathematical Society , 33 (3), 2020, p. 775–805
(pdf, arXiv).
Second descent and rational points on Kummer varieties
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 118 (3), 2019, p. 606–648.
(pdf, arXiv).
Hasse principle for Kummer varieties
Alexei Skorobogatov,
Algebra and Number Theory, 10.4, 2016, p. 813-841
(pdf, arXiv).
Geometry and arithmetic of certain log K3 surface
Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 67 (5), 2017, p. 2167-2200
(pdf, arXiv).
Integral points on conic log K3 surfaces
Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 21 (3), 2019, p. 627–664.
(pdf, arXiv).
On the fibration method for zero-cycles and rational points
with Olivier Wittenberg,
Annals of Mathematics, 183 (1), 2015, p. 229-295
(pdf, arXiv).
The Hardy-Littlewood conjecture and rational points
Singular curves and the étale Brauer-Manin obstruction for surfaces
Alexei Skorobogatov,
Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, 47, 2014, p. 765-778
(pdf, arXiv).
Homotopy obstructions to rational points
Tomer Schlank,
In: Alexei Skorobogatov (Ed.),
Torsors, Étale Homotopy and Applications to Rational Points, LMS Lecture Notes Series 405, Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 280-413
(pdf, arXiv).
Higher category theory
Deligne's conjecture for unital coherent ∞-operads
We prove a generalization of Deligne's conjecture for arbitrary unital coherent ∞-operads.
Eduard Balzin,
in preparation
The infinitesimal tangle hypothesis
We prove an infinitesimal version of the tangle hypothesis, namely, that the cotangent complex of the tangle m-cube monoidal (∞,n)-category is free of rank one, in a suitable sense .
Obstruction theory for higher categories
We develop a Postnikov-based obsrtuction theory for (∞,n)-categories.
Cartesian Fibrations of (∞,2)-categories
Fibrations and lax limits of (∞,2)-categories
We develope the notions outer and inner (co)cartesian of (∞,2)-categories and use it to define and study various types of lax and homotopy limits for diagrams taking values in an (∞,2)-category.
Bilimits and bifinal objects
On the equivalence of all models for (∞,2)-categories
Andrea Gagna and
Edoardo Lanari,
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 106.3, 2022, p. 1920-1982
(pdf, arXiv).
Gray tensor products and lax functors of (∞,2)-categories
We give well-behaved construction of the Gray tensor product in the setting of scaled simpicial sets and show that it is a left Quillen bifunctor, and in particular preserves homotopy colimits in each variable.
Ambidexterity and the universality of finite spans
Proceedings of the London Mathematical society, 121 (5), 2020, p. 1121–1170.
(pdf, arXiv).
Lax limits of model categories
Theory and Applications of Categories, 35, 2020, p. 959–978.
(pdf, arXiv).
The tangent bundle of a model category
Joost Nuiten and
Matan Prasma,
Theory and Applications of Categories, 34, 2019, p. 1039–1072.
(pdf, arXiv).
Quillen cohomology of (∞,2)-categories
Tangent categories of algebras over operads
Joost Nuiten and
Matan Prasma,
The Israel Journal of Mathematics, 234, 2019, p. 691–742
(pdf, arXiv).
The abstract cotangent complex and Quillen cohomology of enriched categories
Pro-categories in homotopy theory
Ilan Barnea and
Geoffroy Horel,
Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 17 (1), 2017, p. 567-643
(pdf, arXiv).
An integral model structure and truncation theory for coherent group actions
Matan Prasma,
The Israel Journal of Mathematics, 221 (2), 2017, p. 511–561
(pdf, arXiv).
The Grothendieck construction for model categories
with Matan Prasma,
Advances in Mathematics, 281, 2015, p. 1306-1363
(pdf, arXiv).
Quasi-unital ∞-categories.
Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 15 (4), 2015, p. 2303-2381
(pdf, arXiv).
The cobordism hypothesis in dimension 1
We give a proof of the cobordism hypothesis in dimension 1 using the theory of quasi-unital ∞-categories
(pdf, arXiv).
The section conjecture for graphs and conical curves
We show that the finite descent obstruction controls the existence of rational points on normal crossing singular curves
whose components are all of genus 0, by relating the problem to a fix point property of pro-finite groups acting on pro-finite trees
(pdf, arXiv).